Enables you to pay for your premiums over time by reducing the financial strain of lump-sum premium payments. It covers assets such as Houses, cars, trucks, medical insurance, office equipment, stock, and others.


Flexible repayment plan

Flexible repayment plan.

Repayable in 12 months subject to renewal

Repayable in 12 months subject to renewal.

Improved cash flow and liquidity

Improved cash flow and liquidity.

Competitive interest rates

Competitive interest rates.

What We Need From You*

  • Letter of request.
  • Copy of ID or passport.
  • Valid identification documents.
  • Trade license.

Rates & Fees*

  • Competitive Interest rates.
  • Favorable negotiation fees.

Interested in Insurance Premium Finance or have a question?

I am an existing BPR Bank customer

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